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Week 3

Week 3 was a little bit of a slow one, as I was busy renovating my bedroom (did you see my new stash storage on Instagram?!?!?!?! EEKKSS). But nevertheless I got quite a bit done this week.

Here are the numbers:

73km cycled

63g yarn used

252m of yarn knitted

In total over the 2 weeks I have so far cycled 247.6km and knitted 1016m of yarn!! That's right...over a kilometer of yarn! Crazy to think isn't it. And the blanket really is still rather small.

I am having an absolute blast with this Recovery Blanket journey and being able to knit while cycling definitely keeps me motivated enough to continue. Plus watching my stats is pretty exciting and actually pushes me further and gives me that virtual kick up the bum.

Stay tuned for week 4!